Update 22.11.2022: We as the doctoral board are looking PhD student representatives to two positions: Board for Investigation of Misconduct (sv: Nämnden för utredning av avvikelser från god forskningssed (NUAF), 1 position) for the mandate period 2023-2025, and the Electoral College (sv: universitetskollegiet, 1 ordinary and 2 suppleant positions). See more information below.
For both positions, apply by emailing dn@uuf.se by Sunday 27th November. Don’t hesitate to ask me if any questions arise for either of these positions.
Board for Investigation of Misconduct in Research (1 ordinary member)
The Advisory Board for External Collaboration advises the Vice-Chancellor on university-wide issues concerning collaboration. The board prepares matters assigned to it by the Vice-Chancellor. The Advisory Board for External Collaboration has eleven members and is led by the Vice-Chancellor or a person designated by the Vice-Chancellor (the Chair). The members of the board are appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, acting on proposals from the disciplinary domains (two members per disciplinary domain), the University Director (one member) and the Innovation Partnership Office (one member). Two members are appointed by the students in accordance with the provisions of the Student Union Ordinance (2009:769). This term is 2023-2025, but I encourage all of you to apply even if you are unsure whether you could fill out the whole mandate period yourself.
See more information here: https://mp.uu.se/web/info/katalog/-/orginfo/X250
Electoral college (1 ordinary member, 2 suppleant positions)
The Electoral College (universitetskollegiet) serves as the consultative assembly during the procedure for making proposals for the appointment of the Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor. The Electoral College meets in Swedish.
We are looking for 1 ordinary representative to fill out the roster of a total of 3 PhD student representatives, and additionally 2 suppleant positions to have a total of 3+3 representatives in the Electoral college for this academic year. The positions should be fairly lightweight in the terms of workload, but the topics discussed within the Electoral college are surely interesting.
See more information of the position from: https://mp.uu.se/en/web/info/vart-uu/organisation-och-styrning/ledning-struktur/universitetskollegiet
Update 18.10.2022: We as DN are still looking for one ordinary member and two suppleant members for the Electoral College (Universitetskollegiet). Please apply by Sunday 23th October by emailing dn@uufs.se or by filling the form here: https://forms.gle/Sdoyu8qBaMmqVWBh9
We are looking for Swedish speaking students for all three positions. Especially the suppleant positions are very light for the current academic year.
Electoral College (1 vacant ordinary, 2 vacant suppleant positions)
The Electoral College (universitetskollegiet) serves as the consultative assembly during the procedure for making proposals for the appointment of the Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor. The Electoral College meets in Swedish. See more information from: https://mp.uu.se/en/web/info/vart-uu/organisation-och-styrning/ledning-struktur/universitetskollegiet
The Doctoral Board of Uppsala University (Doktorandnämnden, DN) is seeking for more PhD Student Representatives to various positions within the University. New student representatives are elected on 27th September in the Doctoral Board’s September meeting, where the different faculties of UU are represented according to the regulations of DN.
You are eligible to apply if you are a PhD student within Uppsala University. In addition, in some of the positions a knowledge of the Swedish language is beneficial. We warmly encourage all PhD students from different backgrounds to apply!
Apply by filling the application form by Friday 23rd of September https://forms.gle/BMhrHDS1bS14uw5L7, or by emailing the chair of the Doctoral Board: dn@uufs.se.
Available positions (apply by Friday 23rd of September):
Reference group for the Language Workshop
The Language Workshop is free of charge and available to all students on the undergraduate and master’s levels, as well as to PhD students. They offer one-to-one tutorials in academic writing and oral presentations in both Swedish and English. The reference group works as a reference when developing the Language Workshop. See more information from: https://www.sprakverkstaden.uu.se/about-us/
Uppsala Diabetes Centre board
Uppsala Diabetes Centre (UDC) is a knowledge forum led and run by Uppsala University in collaboration with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The centre has a board that decides on the budget, business plan for the coming years, and evaluations. The board is also responsible for ensuring that operations are conducted following the centre’s purpose. See more information from: https://www.uu.se/forskning/udc
For this position, the PhD student representative may be eligible for up to 5 days of prolongation.
Electoral College (3 vacant positions)
The Electoral College (universitetskollegiet) serves as the consultative assembly during the procedure for making proposals for the appointment of the Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor. The Electoral College meets in Swedish. See more information from: https://mp.uu.se/en/web/info/vart-uu/organisation-och-styrning/ledning-struktur/universitetskollegiet
Gender Mainstreaming Reference Group
Gender Mainstreaming Reference Group provides a university-wide as well as local perspectives to the gender mainstreaming work, contribute to the exchange of experience and knowledge, and works for implementing gender mainstreaming at local level. The meetings are mainly conducted in Swedish and the members can speak either English or Swedish. See more information from: https://mp.uu.se/en/web/info/vart-uu/mal-och-strategier/lika-villkor/jamstalldhetsintegrering/referensgrupp
For this position it is required that the PhD student is available to the remaining meetings of the year: 17th October kl.9.00-11.00 and 12th December kl.14.00-16.00. For this position, the PhD student representative may be eligible for up to 5 days of prolongation.
Advisory Board for Equal Opportunities (suppleant)
The Equal Opportunity Advisory Board advises the Vice-Chancellor on university-wide issues concerning equal opportunities. The board prepares matters assigned to it by the Vice-Chancellor. The Equal Opportunity Advisory Board consists of 14 members and is led by the Vice-Chancellor or a person appointed by the Vice-Chancellor as chair. See more information from: https://mp.uu.se/web/info/katalog/-/orginfo/X244
For this position, only the suppleant position is available.
Apply by filling the application form by Friday 23rd of September https://forms.gle/BMhrHDS1bS14uw5L7, or by emailing the chair of the Doctoral Board: dn@uufs.se.
Other positions to be elected in 27th September, but suitable candidates have already been found:
- Steering group for the Sustainable Future Project
- Board of the Centre for Gender Research
For more information about these positions you can mail the chairperson of the Doctoral Board: dn@uufs.se.